My special offer for teens and young adults from 14 to 21:
Astrological career and life path counseling is life-changing, enabling deep understanding and positive change. Unfortunately, those who could particularly benefit from such counseling - namely young people - often cannot (yet) afford it themselves.
That's why I want to support young people by offering from now on:
Free astro-psychological career and/or life path counseling (online via Zoom).
(60 min. for 0 EUR, instead of normally 110,- EUR)
for teenagers and young adults from 14 to 21 years.
- Due to capacity reasons, I can offer per month max. 1-2 offer such free consultations free of charge, but if there is no longer a corresponding appointment available, there is a waiting list.
- For minors, parental consent is required.
If you are interested just contact us and we can discuss everything else