Hypnotherapy and why the problem is always a solution
29. April 2018
5 Wege, wie psychologische Astrologie für Sie hilfreich sein kann
8. May 2021

Why astrology fascinates me


When I am asked how I think about astrology, my first thought is that astrology is about recognizing and interpreting energy. I'll explain how I mean that in a moment.

The basic assumptions

I believe we are all energetic beings - like everything and everyone in this world, we are made up entirely of pure energy condensed into matter. This has long since ceased to be an esoteric crank, but a scientific fact. Ask a physicist, he will confirm it.

Moreover, I am convinced (here we leave the realm of verifiable science) that we exist as eternal and non-corporeal beings even before we started this life. And in this state, we have chosen to take on a solid body of matter and live a life in the material world. With the intention to grow, to experience, to learn, to evolve. And of course to have fun...... 😉

That is why I think that when we are born, when we enter the stage of the material world - we choose the perfect time and place for it, so that the energies into which we are born correspond exactly to what we want to experience and learn in this life.

Because everything in this world has a special energy, a very specific frequency. These things can also be perceived by each of us: a purring cat on my lap has a completely different energy than a redwood tree that is over 1000 years old.

And because everything in this world is connected to everything else (I repeat myself: ask a quantum physicist), it is a logical conclusion that all these energies also influence each other.

What is meant by energy?

We know that small dogs or cats born in the dark and cold winter are usually a bit different from those born in the bright and warm summer. The winter puppies or winter kittens are usually a bit calmer, maybe even downright lazy - the summer born animals are usually more spirited and lively. And with us humans it is similar, you just might not notice it so clearly because we are such complex beings and these basic energies are of course influenced and overlaid by many other things.

But surely most of us can agree that the time of year we are born affects our personality and the way we approach life a bit.

And astrology does not say anything else - but it goes much deeper than that: because astrology does not only take into account the season in which we are born, but one takes into account the year, the month, the day, the exact time of birth and also the place where we come into the world. And astrology then analyzes very precisely all the different energies that influenced us at the time of our birth, especially the planets, the signs and in which astrological "houses" they were located at the time of our birth.

This does NOT mean, of course, that it is the particular planet that causes any traits or characteristics in the person in question. Many people make fun of astrology by arguing how crazy the idea is that a planet up there in the universe has any power over us and our lives. But these people have not understood astrology.

Because, of course, it's not this huge chunk of matter we call Venus or Mars or Pluto that's causing anything. But the fact that this planet is in this place at this time - this fact says something about what energy is active at this time and in this place. Just as we know that the energy in the winter time is different than in the summer.

The position of the planet at this moment makes the energy prevailing there visible to us, so to speak.

We can perhaps understand this concept of energy better if we think of animals. Because everyone has heard these stories about animals and their "seventh sense". For example, when animals become restless or flee just before a destructive tornado or devastating tsunami actually hits. Animals can do this because they are able to sense the energy of such an impending event long before we humans can then see or hear anything about it.

And many of us know this feeling when you come into a house or enter a room and you immediately feel this very special energy in this house or in this room. This may perhaps be a harmonious, loving energy that you feel when you enter a house where a happy family lives. Or you sense a somehow threatening, unpleasant energy in a room that makes us feel like we should get the hell out of here -exactly the kind of feeling that the main character in every horror movie constantly ignores......

All these energies can be felt and experienced. And in every moment, in every place somewhere in the world some energies are active - because our whole world and everything that exists in it IS pure energy! And this is not spiritual blah-blah, but scientific facts.

The horoscope as a translator for energy

And a few hundred years before Christ was born, a few people figured out (probably by accident, like most great discoveries) that the positions of the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies were somehow related to what was happening here on Earth. And that this can give us important information about what kind of energies are active at any given moment in any given place.

So when we look at a chart (that is, a drawing of where the planets were at a particular time, from a particular place), we are actually looking at a drawing of which energies were active and therefore also influenced the person who was born at that time in that place. With this information we can learn an amazing amount about this person: about the resources he carries within himself, his strengths and his potential, but also about possible difficulties this person may have to deal with at some point in his life

Howard Sasportas has written, "A birth chart can be understood like a manual on how that person can best realize and live his or her potential," and "Like a blueprint of what that person can become when he or she develops his or her full potential."
(from: "The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope" (p. 107), freely translated by me).

And in the same way I understand all the information that can be taken from a horoscope. They show the energies that were active at the time of that person's birth. And I also believe that this is exactly why we are born at this exact time. Because before we started this life, our soul has decided that it wants to have exactly these experiences in this life and therefore has chosen exactly this time to be born in a material body.

And if we can interpret these energies correctly, we can learn a great deal about what drives this person, what his goals, wishes and desires are, as well as about his fears and inner struggles.

But there is more.

Can astrology predict the future?

The energy itself is "only" a certain frequency and it can show itself in many different ways. That is why information from the birth chart can tell us, for example, something about how this person approaches life, what he is afraid of or what he wants to achieve and so on. But this information can equally tell us something about the circumstances that this person may have to deal with in his life.

And in my opinion this has something to do with the "law of attraction", which basically says only one thing, namely "like attracts like", which also applies to thoughts and feelings.
There is of course a lot of nonsense being spread out there about the "Law of Attraction" or also "Law of Resonance" - I am nevertheless convinced that it is a universal law, which also plays an important role in astrology.

Because, as I said before, every human being is born into an environment where certain energetic frequencies influence his whole being: his personality, character traits, psychological inclinations and receptivity to certain beliefs and convictions - all this is formed by the influence of these energetic vibrations.

You can also put it this way, that these frequencies are firmly imprinted on this human being - basically similar to how scientists describe DNA: Fixed hereditary information that we bring into this life and that also shapes our life to a certain degree. In the same way, at the time of our birth, these energetic influences form a base from which our personality and life then develop.

This person then goes through his life, but of course he feels and experiences these energies not only in himself, but he also radiates them to the outside. And according to the law of resonance, he also attracts things, people, situations into his life that fit this energetic pattern.

This is, for example, one of the reasons why the so-called Descendant (the cusp of the 7th house) must always be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, the sign in which the Descendant is located (as well as the planets in the 7th house) tells us something about what kind of person we are attracted to, whom we might want as a partner, or with what kind of person we might enter into a relationship. But at the same time, it tells us something about what we ourselves bring to a relationship, what makes ourselves attractive, how we ourselves behave in a partnership.

Astrology as a toolbox for our lives

In other words - we come into this life with a specific purpose. That is why, before we are born, we choose to be born in a specific place at a specific time, with the goal of experiencing the exact energetic pattern that corresponds to what we want to experience in this lifetime.

Then we are born and our personality and character is formed by those very energies that were active at the time of our birth. Now we live our lives and are constantly busy sorting, experiencing and understanding these energies active within us. And the point of all this is to grow from it and develop in a way that allows us to live these energies in the best possible, adult and evolved way.

The environment we live in, the people we meet, the experiences we have - all of this reflects to us these energies that are active within ourselves. Most people go through life with the feeling that all that is "out there" cannot be influenced by them, that they cannot change anything about it. They see themselves as the helpless victims of random external events.

But when we start to understand that the outside is just a mirror of what is going on inside ourselves, then we can start to change things.

And this is exactly where astrology can be a great and helpful tool. Because with the help of astrology we can begin to understand these energies. We can see how our inner world and our outer experience are connected, and we can become clear about how we need to change our inner experience in order to experience the life we want to live.
One must understand that astrology is nothing more than a tool to read energy, a translation tool, so to speak. But with this tool we can understand these energies that are active in our lives. Astrology itself cannot determine how we should live our lives or how we should deal with these energies. In the same way, astrology cannot determine exactly who we are or what is happening to us.

But in the context of good astrological counseling, these things can be interpreted in a way that really fits the client's current situation and therefore actually has a practical use. For each constellation in a person's birth chart there are many different possibilities of interpretation, therefore the direct conversation between astrologer and client (in contrast to computer-generated horoscope analyses) is also immensely important.

But if this exchange of information, ideas and impulses takes place in the counseling session, then the horoscope information can be actual help, support and stimulation and thus enable him to give his life a positive direction.


When I am asked how I think about astrology, my first thought is that astrology is about recognizing and interpreting energy. I’ll explain how I mean that in a moment.

The basic assumptions

I believe we are all energetic beings – like everything and everyone in this world, we are made up entirely of pure energy condensed into matter. This has long since ceased to be an esoteric crank, but a scientific fact. Ask a physicist, he will confirm it.

Moreover, I am convinced (here we leave the realm of verifiable science) that we exist as eternal and non-corporeal beings even before we started this life. And in this state, we have chosen to take on a solid body of matter and live a life in the material world. With the intention to grow, to experience, to learn, to evolve. And of course to have fun…… ?

That is why I think that when we are born, when we enter the stage of the material world – we choose the perfect time and place for it, so that the energies into which we are born correspond exactly to what we want to experience and learn in this life.

Because everything in this world has a special energy, a very specific frequency. These things can also be perceived by each of us: a purring cat on my lap has a completely different energy than a redwood tree that is over 1000 years old.

And because everything in this world is connected to everything else (I repeat myself: ask a quantum physicist), it is a logical conclusion that all these energies also influence each other.

What is meant by energy?

We know that small dogs or cats born in the dark and cold winter are usually a bit different from those born in the bright and warm summer. The winter puppies or winter kittens are usually a bit calmer, maybe even downright lazy – the summer born animals are usually more spirited and lively. And with us humans it is similar, you just might not notice it so clearly because we are such complex beings and these basic energies are of course influenced and overlaid by many other things.

But surely most of us can agree that the time of year we are born affects our personality and the way we approach life a bit.

And astrology does not say anything else – but it goes much deeper than that: because astrology does not only take into account the season in which we are born, but one takes into account the year, the month, the day, the exact time of birth and also the place where we come into the world. And astrology then analyzes very precisely all the different energies that influenced us at the time of our birth, especially the planets, the signs and in which astrological “houses” they were located at the time of our birth.

This does NOT mean, of course, that it is the particular planet that causes any traits or characteristics in the person in question. Many people make fun of astrology by arguing how crazy the idea is that a planet up there in the universe has any power over us and our lives. But these people have not understood astrology.

Because, of course, it’s not this huge chunk of matter we call Venus or Mars or Pluto that’s causing anything. But the fact that this planet is in this place at this time – this fact says something about what energy is active at this time and in this place. Just as we know that the energy in the winter time is different than in the summer.

The position of the planet at this moment makes the energy prevailing there visible to us, so to speak.

We can perhaps understand this concept of energy better if we think of animals. Because everyone has heard these stories about animals and their “seventh sense”. For example, when animals become restless or flee just before a destructive tornado or devastating tsunami actually hits. Animals can do this because they are able to sense the energy of such an impending event long before we humans can then see or hear anything about it.

And many of us know this feeling when you come into a house or enter a room and you immediately feel this very special energy in this house or in this room. This may perhaps be a harmonious, loving energy that you feel when you enter a house where a happy family lives. Or you sense a somehow threatening, unpleasant energy in a room that makes us feel like we should get the hell out of here -exactly the kind of feeling that the main character in every horror movie constantly ignores……

All these energies can be felt and experienced. And in every moment, in every place somewhere in the world some energies are active – because our whole world and everything that exists in it IS pure energy! And this is not spiritual blah-blah, but scientific facts.

The horoscope as a translator for energy

And a few hundred years before Christ was born, a few people figured out (probably by accident, like most great discoveries) that the positions of the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies were somehow related to what was happening here on Earth. And that this can give us important information about what kind of energies are active at any given moment in any given place.

So when we look at a horoscope (that is, a drawing of where the planets were at a particular time, from a particular place), we are actually looking at a drawing of what energies were active and therefore influenced the person who was born at that time in that place. With this information we can learn an amazing amount about this person: about the resources he carries within himself, his strengths and his potential, but also about possible difficulties this person may have to deal with at some point in his life

Howard Sasportas has written, “A birth image can be understood like a manual on how that person can best realize and live his or her potential,” and “Like a blueprint of what that person can become when they develop their full potential.”

(from: “The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope” (p. 107), freely translated by me).

And in the same way I understand all the information that can be taken from a horoscope. They show the energies that were active at the time of that person’s birth. And I also believe that this is exactly why we are born at this exact time. Because before we started this life, our soul has decided that it wants to have exactly these experiences in this life and therefore has chosen exactly this time to be born in a material body.

And if we can interpret these energies correctly, we can learn a lot about what drives this person, what his goals, wishes and desires are, as well as about his fears and inner struggles.

But there is more.

Can astrology predict the future?

The energy itself is “only” a certain frequency and it can show itself in many different ways. That is why information from the birth chart can tell us, for example, something about how this person approaches life, what he is afraid of or what he wants to achieve and so on. But this information can equally tell us something about the circumstances that this person may have to deal with in his life.

And in my opinion this has something to do with the “law of attraction”, which basically says only one thing, namely “like attracts like”, which also applies to thoughts and feelings.

There is of course a lot of nonsense being spread out there about the “Law of Attraction” or also “Law of Resonance” – I am nevertheless convinced that it is a universal law, which also plays an important role in astrology.

Because, as I said before, every human being is born into an environment where certain energetic frequencies influence his whole being: his personality, character traits, psychological inclinations and receptivity to certain beliefs and convictions – all this is formed by the influence of these energetic vibrations.

You can also put it this way, that these frequencies are firmly imprinted on this human being – basically similar to how scientists describe DNA: Fixed hereditary information that we bring into this life and that also shapes our life to a certain degree. In the same way, at the time of our birth, these energetic influences form a base from which our personality and life then develop.

This person then goes through his life, but of course he feels and experiences these energies not only in himself, but he also radiates them to the outside. And according to the law of resonance, he also attracts things, people, situations into his life that fit this energetic pattern.

This is, for example, one of the reasons why the so-called Descendant (the cusp of the 7th house) must always be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, the sign in which the Descendant is located (as well as the planets in the 7th house) tells us something about what kind of person we are attracted to, whom we might want as a partner, or with what kind of person we might enter into a relationship. But at the same time, it tells us something about what we ourselves bring to a relationship, what makes ourselves attractive, how we ourselves behave in a partnership.

Astrology as a toolbox for our lives

In other words – we come into this life with a specific purpose. That is why, before we are born, we choose to be born in a specific place at a specific time, with the goal of experiencing the exact energetic pattern that corresponds to what we want to experience in this lifetime.

Then we are born and our personality and character is formed by those very energies that were active at the time of our birth. Now we live our lives and are constantly busy sorting, experiencing and understanding these energies active within us. And the point of all this is to grow from it and develop in a way that allows us to live these energies in the best possible, adult and evolved way.

The environment we live in, the people we meet, the experiences we have – all of this reflects to us these energies that are active within ourselves. Most people go through life with the feeling that all that is “out there” cannot be influenced by them, that they cannot change anything about it. They see themselves as the helpless victims of random external events.

But when we start to understand that the outside is just a mirror of what is going on inside ourselves, then we can start to change things.

And this is exactly where astrology can be a great and helpful tool. Because with the help of astrology we can begin to understand these energies. We can see how our inner world and our outer experience are connected, and we can become clear about how we need to change our inner experience in order to experience the life we want to live.

One must understand that astrology is nothing more than a tool to read energy, a translation tool, so to speak. But with this tool we can understand these energies that are active in our lives. Astrology itself cannot determine how we should live our lives or how we should deal with these energies. In the same way, astrology cannot determine exactly who we are or what is happening to us.

But in the context of good astrological counseling, these things can be interpreted in a way that really fits the client’s current situation and therefore actually has a practical use. For each constellation in a person’s birth chart there are many different possibilities of interpretation, therefore the direct conversation between astrologer and client (in contrast to computer-generated horoscope analyses) is also immensely important.

But if this exchange of information, ideas and impulses takes place in the counseling session, then the horoscope information can be actual help, support and stimulation and thus enable him to give his life a positive direction.
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